Riley County Genealogical Society
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Records: 251 to 266 of 266
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Actions Call Number Title   Author
View Record  976.8 Newto P2j Wills and Administrations Newton County, Missouri 1860-1895 James, Larry A., Compiler
View Record  979.2 Accom P2n Wills and Administrations of Accomack County, Virginia 1663-1800 Nottingham, Stratton
View Record  976.8 Clint P2c Wills and Administrations of Clinton County, Missouri 1833-1870 Carr, Nanon Lucile, Compiler
View Record  978.3 North P2f Wills and Administrations of Northumberland County, Pennsylvania
View Record  942 P2c Wills and Their Whereabouts Camp, Anthony J.
View Record  975.9 P2k Wills and Ways: Miscellaneous Kentucky Records Kentucky Genealogical Society
View Record  976.3 Washi P2m Wills of Washington County, Maryland, Ann Index, 1776-1890 Morrow, Dale Walton and Jensen, Deborah Sue
View Record  976.8 Andre P2w Wills, 1841-1882, Andrew County, Missouri
View Record  975.8 Wilso P2w Wilson County, Kansas Estate Records from Probate Judge's Files 1866-1912 Volume 1 & Volume 2 Heritage Genealogical Society
View Record  978.7 Wilso P2p Wilson County, Tennessee Circuit Court Records (1810-1855) Vol. #1 Partlow, Thomas
View Record  978.7 Wilso P2p Wilson County, Tennessee Circuit Court Records (1858-1875) Vol. #2
View Record  978.3 York P2y York Co, Pennsylvania, Land Appraisement Certificates Issued by The County Commissioners 1835-1859
View Record  978.3 York P2s York County Pennsylvania Directors of the Poor, Record of Apprentices 1860-1911 With Surname Index
View Record  978.3 York P2r York County Pennsylvania Register of Wills Books of Issues, Will Caveats and Citations 1782-1839 Reisinger, Maryllyn M., Transcriber
View Record  978.3 York N2m York County, Pennsylvania Township and Borough Officers from Quarter Sessions Docket No.2 1750-1839 Mariner, Mary Lou, Transcriber
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Records: 251 to 266 of 266