Actions |
Call Number |
Title  |
Author |
975.8 Riley P2r |
Riley County, Kansas Record of Guardians and Administrators or Executors Accounts - Film |
975.8 Riley P2r |
Riley County, Kansas Record of Inventory and Appraisements-Film |
975.8 Riley P2r |
Riley County, Kansas Will Records - Film |
975.8 Riley V24r |
Riley County, Kansas. Office of District Court. Index to Divorce Case Files (1856-1917) & an Index to the Probate Court Case Files (1856-1939) |
Genealogial Society of Utah |
978.3 U24g |
Runaway Servants, Convicts and Apprentices, Advertised in the Pennsylvania Gazette 1728-1796 |
Grubb, Farley |
975.9 Scott P2f |
Scott County, Kentucky Wills and Estates 1795-1822 |
Franklin, Charles M. |
929.3 Carter R2 |
Searching American Land & Deed Records |
Carter, Fran |
975.8 Shawn P2s |
Shawnee County, Kansas Probate Court Record, Index Book III (1877-1896), Index Book IV (1895-1901), Index Book V (1901-1908) |
Topeka Genealogical Society, Compiler |
975.8 Shawn P2s |
Shawnee County, Kansas Probate Court Records, Index Book VI (1 February 1905-13 July 1909), Index Book VII (5 July 1909-25 June 1912), Index Book VIII 2 July 1912-31 December 1915) |
Topeka Genealogical Society, Compiler |
975.8 Shawn P2s |
Shawnee County, Kansas Probate Court, Index Book I & II, 1855-1891 |
Topeka Genealogical Society, Compiler and Publisher |
978.5 D2w |
South Carolina Jury Lists, 1718-1783 |
Warren, Mary Bondurant, Vompiler |
978.5 P2w |
South Carolina Wills, 1670-1853 or Later |
Warren, Mary Bondurant |
979.2 Spots P2 |
Spotsylvania County Records, 1721-1800. Being Transcriptions from the Original Files at the County Court House, of Wills, Deeds, Administrators' and Guardians' Bonds, Marriage Licenses and Lists of Revolutionary Pensioners |
Crozier, William Armstrong, Editor |
977.7 Stoke P2a |
Stokes County, North Carolina Wills, Volume I-IV, 1790-1864 |
Absher, Mrs. W.O. |
978.7 Sumne P2w |
Sumner County, Tennessee; Abstracts of Books 1 & 2 (1788-1842 |
Whitley, Edythe Rucker |
978.3 York D2s |
Sundry Genealogical Materials Pertaining to South Central Pennsylvania, Book II-VIII, with Surname Index |
977.7 Surry P2a |
Surry County, North Carolina Deeds, Books D, E, and F, 1779-1797 |
Absher, Mrs. W.O. |
978.3 York P2s |
Surviving Early Records of York County, Pennsylvania. More Precisely Being An Alphabetical Listing of all Names Found in York County Court of Quarter Sessions Docket Books for 1749-1754 and True Copies of 5 Known Documents for 1749-1754 and True Copies of 5 Known "Quarter Sessions" Documents for 1749-1754 not recorded (Abstracted) in the Docket Books, plus a Surname to same.……. |
978.3 York P2w |
Surviving Early Records of York County, Pennsylvania. More Precisely Being Genealogical Excerpts from Will Book "A " 1749-1762 With Surname Index. |
974.8 Susse P2c |
Sussex County, Delaware, Wills and Administrations, 1680-1800: an Index |
Clark Raymond B., Jr. |
975.8 Butle P2b |
Synopsis--Butler County Wills, 1869-1910 |
978.7 V2b |
Tennessee Divorces, 1797-1858, Taken from 750 Legislative petitions and Acts |
Bamman, Gale W., Spero, Debbie W. |
978.7 D2w |
Tennessee Genealogical Records: Records of Early Settlers From State and County Archives |
Whitley, Edythe Rucker |
978.7 D2f |
Tennessee Tidbits, 1778-1914, Volume II |
Fischer, Marjorie Hood and Burns, Ruth Blake |
976.3 D2c |
The County Court Note-books, Volumes I-X and Ancestral Proofs and Probabilities Number 1-4 |
Ljungstedt, Milnor, Editor |
975.8 Riley V2L |
The Enterprise, Randolph, Riley County, Kansas and Cleburn News: Index of Marriages, Births, Deaths, Divorces Feb 13, 1890-March 1896 (053) |
Long, Helen, Compiler |
975.8 P3k fragile |
The Laws of the State of Kansas, Passed at the Thirteenth Annual Session of the Legislature of 1873 |
Kansas Laws, Statutes, |
976.3 Frede P2r |
This Was the Life Excerpts from the Judgment Records of Frederick County, Maryland, 1748-1765 |
Rice, Millard Milburn |
977.7 Tyrre P2b |
Tyrrell County, North Carolina Minutes Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Books 1 and 2, 1735 through 1761 |
Burr, Betty Fagan |
977.6 Ulste P2a |
Ulster County, N.Y. Probate Records: A Careful Abstract and Translation of Dutch and English Wills, Letters of Administration after Intestates, and Inventories, with Genealogical and Historical Notes, Volumes I and II |
Anjou, Gustave |
979.2 D2h |
Virginia Ancestors and Adventurers, Volumes 2 and 3 |
Hamlin, Charles Hughes |
979.2 Henri P2f |
Virginia Colonial Abstracts Vol. 21, Henrico County-Southside 1736 |
Fleet, Beverly |
979.2 V2c Vol VIII |
Virginia County Records Volume VIII A Key to Southern Pedigrees |
Crozier, William Armstrong, Editor |
979.2 Westm P2c |
Virginia County Records, New Series, Volume I, Westmoreland County |
Crozier, William Armstrong, Editor |
979.2 V2c |
Virginia County Records, Volume 6, 7, and 9 |
Crozier, William Armstrong Editor |
979.2 Ohio P2c |
Virginia Court Records in Southwestern Pennsylvania. Records of the District of West Augusta and Ohio and Yohogania Counties, Virginia 1775-1780 |
Crumrine, Boyd |
979.2 P2w |
Virginia Gleanings in England |
Withington, Lothrop |
979.2 P2c |
Virginia Settlers and English Adventurers |
Currer-Briggs, Noel |
979.2 P2w |
Virginia Tithables from Burned Record Counties |
Woodson, Robert and Isobel, Compilers |
979.2 P2v |
Virginia Will Records |
McGhan, Judith, Indexer |
979.2 P2t |
Virginia Wills and Administrations, 1623-1800, an Index |
Torrence, Clayton, compiler |
975.8 Wabau P2w |
Wabaunsee County, Kansas Court Records - Film |
975.8 Wabau P2w |
Wabaunsee County, Kansas Court Records - Film |
975.8 Wabau P2w |
Wabaunsee County, Kansas Fee Books and Wills - Film |
977.9 Washi P2p |
Washington County Northwest Territory Court of Common Pleas Index 1795 - 1803 |
Phillips, W. Louis |
979.4 P2j |
West Virginia Estate Settlements to 1850-An Index to Wills, Inventories, Appraisements, Land Grants, and Surveys to 1850 |
Johnston, Ross B. |
979.2 Halif P2c |
Will Book, Halifax County, Virginia, Volumes 0 and 1 |
Chiarito, Marian Dodson, Compiler |
977.9 Hamil P2w |
Will Index of Hamilton County, Ohio, 1792-1850 |
975.6 Decat P2h |
Will Records of Decatur County, Indiana, 1822-1906 |
Holmes, Maurice, Compiler |
976.8 Ralls P2e |
Will Records of Ralls County, Missouri, Volume I, 1824-1872 |
Ellsberry, Elizabeth Prather, Compiler |