Riley County Genealogical Society
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Source information for the record is shown in the description area under the name.  Be sure to copy and paste that information into your notes.
Our Databases
RCGS has developed a number of databases useful in genealogy research.  The databases contain almost 1,284,000 surnames found in Riley, Wabaunsee, Pottawatomie, Clay, Washington, Geary and Marshall Counties of Kansas.  
The databases are divided into the following categories and may be searched by all categories or by individual categories.   RCGS members may view documents found in the search.  Non-members may order copies at a cost of $1 per page, $10 minimum.
Kansas Kin
The Kansas Kin journal has been published by RCGS since 1963. Church and cemetery records, census records, family stories, historical places/events have been recorded in this publication.
Books published by RCGS and included in this database include: 
  • Pioneers of Bluestem Prairie 
  • Pioneers of Riley County 1853 to 1860
  • Fostoria, the Little Town That Could
  • Zemun Birth Records
  • Manhattan Area Veterans Spanish American War
  • Early Wills and Administrations 1866-1893; Guardianships 1866-1878, from Probate Records  (81)
  • Some Early Churches (24) - 1856 to 1900 (98)
  • Births Before 1911  (135) 
  • A Record of the Activities of the Blue Township, Pottawatomie County, Kansas Trustee, Clerk and Treasurer During the Years 1871-1907 (187)  
  • List of Military Veterans Living in Pottawatomie County, Kansas in 1895 (1206)
  • An Early History of the Manhattan Fire Department: The Volunteer Period
  • Pioneer Days in Kansas
  • The Exodusters of 1879 and Other Black Pioneers of Riley County, KS
  • Stories of Early Manhattan Citizens 
Some of the books are large and may take a few minutes to download. The book, Pioneers of the Bluestem Priaire is the largest and takes the most time. Please click on How to View Documents and read instructions for passwords and finding sources.
Newspaper Abstracts
Names in this database have been abstracted from area newspapers from 1860 - 1970, and include birth, marriage and death announcements and other items of interest.  The entire articles can be found on microfilm at the Manhattan Public Library, at area public libraries, or through online digital newspaper collections.  Most historic newspapers have been digitized up to 1923, and can be accessed at The Kansas Historical Society digital newspapers or at$).  Papers after 1923 are often available in the Advanced version of and the Advantage collections which may be held at smaller libraries. The Newspapers On-line page, found on the RCGS Links page, offers an avenue to other digital collections in Kansas and elsewhere. Ask Librarians for help if needed.
Obituaries in our collection were clipped and pasted by hand and may not include sources. They range from 1974 to 2014.  Digitized newspapers provide the most accurate accounts and go to the present. Refer to the Newspapers On-line page for guidance to newspapers.  Librarians and Genealogical society staff will often assist you.
Naturalization Records
This database contains the digitized naturalization records from Riley County U.S. District Court Records from 1859-1943; from Geary County 1865–1944; and Wabaunsee County 1865-1929.  Search options are divided into declarations of intentions, petitions, and final papers. Rules of naturalization changed over the years and all three categories were not consistently used, so search “all records” for the best results.  An explanation of the naturalization process over time is found on the Family Search United States Naturalization and Citizenship page.  Source information for the record is found in the description area under the name.
Marriages Records
Riley County marriage records:  1856-1969
Geary County marriage records:  1908–1919 
Wabaunsee County marriage records:  1903-1917
Probate Records
Riley County Probate Court records: 1875-1919
Guardian Records
Riley County Guardian Accounts:  1896-1918
Riley County Guardian Sale of Real Estate:  1885-1905
Riley County Guardian Inventory & Appraisement (minor heirs): 1899-1909
Court Journals
Geary County:  1861-1877