Riley County Genealogical Society
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Records: 101 to 150 of 225
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Actions Call Number Title   Author
View Record  970.1 Carpe How to Research American Indian Blood Lines: A Manual on Indian Genealogical Research Carpenter, Cecelia Svinth
View Record  929.3 Howto How to Search a Cemetery
View Record  929.3 Law How to Trace Your Ancestors to Europe Law, Hugh T.
View Record  284.5 Hugue Huguenot Ancestors Represented in the Membership of the Huguenot Society of New Jersy Koehler, Sara Morton, Compiler
View Record  284.5 Lart Huguenot Pedigrees-Volume I Lart, Charles E.
View Record  975.8 Lyon W2 Identity, Culture Maintenance, and Social Mobility: The Welsh in Emporia, Lyon County, 1870-1930 Tyler, Robert Llewelyn
View Record  941 Ham D2h In Search of Scottish Ancestry, Second Edition Hamilton-Edwards, Gerald
View Record  942 D2b In Search of Your British and irish Roots: A Complete Guide to Tracing Your English, Welsh, Scottish and Irish Ancestors Baxter, Angus
View Record  940 Bax In Search of Your European Roots Baxter, Angus
View Record  943 D2b In Search of Your German Roots-A Complete Guide to Tracing Your Ancestors in the Germanic Areas of Europe Baxter, Angus
View Record  929.3 Inyou In Your Ancestors' Image: A Conference for the Nation's Genealogists, Syllabus
View Record  978.3 A4d Index to Colonial Pennsylvania's Colonial Records Series Dunn, Mary, Compiler
View Record  929.05 Index Jacob Index to Genealogical Periodical, Volumes One to Six Jacobus, Donald Lines
View Record  029.05 Index Gener Index to Genealogical Periodicals & Family Histories, Volumes 1-29
View Record  977.9 D2i Index to Microfilm Edition of Genealogical Data Relating to Women in the Western Reserve Before 1840 (1850)
View Record  929.3 Kemp V2k International Vital Records Handbook Kemp, Thomas Jay
View Record  941.5 D2f V.1& V.2 Irish and Scotch-Irish Ancestral Research, A Guide to the Genealogical Records, Methods and Sources in Ireland, Volume I: Repositories and Records; Volume II: Bibliography and Family Index Falley, Margaret Dickson
View Record  941.5 D2r Irish Record: Sources for Family and Local History Ryan, James G.
View Record  975.8 E2k Kansas State Board of Agriculture Biennial Report, Volumes IX, X, XI, 1883-1888 Kansas State Board of Agriculture
View Record  975.9 Sch D2s Kentucky Genealogical Research Schweitzer, George K.
View Record  929.3 Willi Know Your Ancestors-A Guide to Genealogical Research William, Ethel W.
View Record  929.3 Hone 1997 Land & Property Research in the United States Hone, E. Wade
View Record  929.3 Hone 1997 Land & Property Research in the United States Hone, E. Wade
View Record  975.8 Morri A2m Library Acquisitions, 1987 Morris County Genealogical Society
View Record  978.5 A3c Local and Family History in South Carolina, a Bibliography Cote, Richard N.
View Record  929.3 Hinck Locating Lost Family Members & Friends Hinckley, Kathleen
View Record  929.3 Neagl Locating Your Immigrant Ancestor Neagles, James C.and Neagles, Lila Lee
View Record  929.3 Crawf Long Distance Genealogy Crawford-Oppenheimer, Christine
View Record  948.9 Denma Vert file Major Genealogical Record Sources in Denmark
View Record  947.1 A3g Major Genealogical Record Sources in Finland
View Record  948.1 A3g Major Genealogical Record Sources in Norway
View Record  948.5 Swede Vertical File Major Genealogical Record Sources in Sweden
View Record  949.4 Switz Vert file Major Genealogical Record Sources in Switzerland
View Record  975/8 RL H20 Manhattan in the 20th Century-A Pictorial Collection
View Record  976.3 Cla M2c Maryland Revolutionary Records: How to Find and Interpret Them Clark, Raymond B.
View Record  976.4 Schwe D2s Massachusetts Genealogical Research Schweitzer, George K.
View Record  284.5 Stapl Memorials of the Huguenots In America with Special Reference to their Emigration to Pennsylavia Stapleton, Ammon, Rev.
View Record  325.7 Mille Migration, Emigration, Immigration, Principally to the United States and in the United States Miller, Olga K.
View Record  976.8 A2m Missouri Archives Bulletin, a Guide to County Records on Microfilm
View Record  16.07 Misso Missouri Newspapers on Microfilm at the State Historical Society of Missouri
View Record  325 Morto Morton Allan Directory of European Passenger Steamship Arrivals
View Record  929.3 Chorz My Family Tree Workbook; Genealogy for Beginners Chorzempa, Rosemary A.
View Record  948.5 G2s Vertical Files Naming Patterns Among Swedish-Americans Olsson, Nils William
View Record  929.3 Evert New and Improved How Book Genealogists: Eighth Edition Everton, George B.
View Record  16.07 Newsp Newspapers in Microform: Foreign Countries, 1948-1972
View Record  977.7 D2 NGS-Research in the States-North Carolina Haines, Jeffrey L
View Record  977.7 D2s North Carolina Genealogical Research Schweitzer, George K.
View Record  977.7 D2l North Carolina Research: Genealogy and Local History Leary, Helen F.M. and Stirewalt, Maurice R.
View Record  977.9 D2 Ohio Guide to Genealogical Sources Bill, Carol Willsey
View Record  970.1 Kirkh Our Native Americans and Their Records of Genealogical Value, Volumes I and II Kirkham, E. Kay
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Records: 101 to 150 of 225