Actions |
Call Number |
Title  |
Author |
975.5 Champ D2s |
1893 Land Owners and Patrons List of Champaign County, Illinois |
Swartz, Elsie R. |
978.5 Pendl H2c |
1973 Revised Index to History of Old Pendleton District. South Carolina |
Chadwick, Nancy Gaillard |
929.3 Fiveh |
500 Brickwall Solutions to Genealogy Problems |
976.8 D3v |
800 Missouri Families, Volumes 1-4 |
Vincent, Don |
929.1 Sons |
85th Anniversay Membership Registry and Roster of Kansas Society of the National Society Sons of the American Revolution from 1892 to 1977 |
Goodell Jr., Ralph H. and Hill, Charles W., Compilers |
976.3 Pap D3p |
A Biographical Dictionary of the Maryland Legislature,1635-1789, Volume 1: A-H; 2: I-Z |
Papenfuse, Edward C., Day, Alan F., Jordan, David W2 and Stiverson, Gregory A., Editors |
975.6 E4b |
A Biographical Directory of the Indiana General Assembly, Volume 1 and 2, 1816-1984 |
977.6 Schoh H2b |
A Brief Sketch of the First Settlement of Schoharie by the Germans |
Brown, John M. |
974.7 D2h |
A Catalogue of the Names of the First Puritan Settlers of the Colony of Connecticut |
Hinman, R.R. |
975.8 McPhe H2i |
A Centennial History -Inman, 1887 Kansas 1987 |
Inman Book Committee |
978.5 D2c |
A Collection of Upper South Carolina Genealogical and Family Records Volumes I and II |
325.2 Rupp |
A Collection of Upwards of Thirty Thousand Names of German, Swiss, Dutch, French and Other Immigratntsin Pennsylvania from 1727-1776 |
Rupp, Israel Daniel |
978.5 D2r |
A Compilation of the Protestant Immigrants to South Carolina, 1763-1773 |
Revill, Janie, Compiler |
977.9 Highl D2m |
A Complete Every Name Index to Highland County, Ohio Pioneer Sketches and Family Genealogies |
McRoberts, Mary Louise |
929.3 Brigg |
A Family Historian's Guide to Illness, Disease and Death Certificates |
Briggs, Elizabeth |
975.5 Rando D2f |
A Few Pioneer Families of Randolph County, Illinois |
912 E3k |
A Genealogical and Historical Atlas of the United States of America |
Kirkham, E.Kay |
929.1 Savag |
A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England Showing Three Generations of Those Who Came before May 1692, Volumes I-IV |
Savage, James |
941 Smi E5s |
A Genealogical Gazetteer of Scotland; An Alphabetical Dictionary of Places with their location, population, and the date of earliest entry in the registers of every parish in Scotland having registers prior to 1855 … |
Smith, Frank |
929.2 Spald Fragile |
A Genealogical History of Edward Spalding of Virignia and Massachusetts Bay and His Descendants |
Spalding, Charles Warren |
942 D2m |
A Genealogist's Guide Discovering Your English Ancestors |
Milner, Paul and Jonas, Linda |
975.8 Potta H2c |
A Glimpse of Wheaton, Kansas; Pottawatomie County (Located in Pottawatomie County Lost Kansas Communities) |
Barnes, Cameron |
978.7 D2h Vert File |
A Guide To Genealogical Research in Tennessee |
Hailey, Naomi M. |
977.1 Bil A2b |
A Guide to Research Sources in the Reference Department at the Nebraska State Historical Society |
Billesbach, Anne E. |
929.3 Kirkh |
A Handy Guide to Searching in the Larger Cities of the United States, Including A Guide To Their Vital Records And Some Maps With Street Indexes With Other Information Of Genealogical Value |
Kirkham, E.Kay |
976.4 Frank H2c |
A Historic and Present Day Guide to Old Deerfield |
Coleman, Emma Lewis |
977.1 H2r |
A History of Czechs (Bohemians) in Nebraska |
Rosicky, Rose compiled by |
977.8 Dicke H2d |
A History of Dickey County, North Dakota |
Dickey County Historical Society |
975.8 Gray H2 |
A History of Early Day Copeland, Kansas 1912-1965 |
Ward, E. Faye, Compiler |
979.2 Halif H2c |
A History of Halifax County, Virginia |
Carrington, Wirt Johnson |
975.6 Jeffe H2m |
A History of Jefferson County, Indiana |
Muncie, Emery O. |
975.9 K2s |
A History of Kentucky Baptists from 1769-1885, Volumes 1 and 2 |
Spencer, J. H. |
975.8 Kiowa H2k |
A History of Kiowa County, Vol. II |
Kiowa County History Book Committee |
979.5 Manit H2p |
A History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin |
Plumb, Ralph G. |
975.8 Meade H2s |
A History of Meade County Kansas |
Sullivan, Frank S. |
979.4 Monro H2m |
A History of Monroe County, West Virginia |
Morton, Oren F. |
975.8 Potta H2r |
A History of Pottawatomi County, Emmett Township and Holy Cross Parish |
Rezac, Galen W. |
979.5 Pierc H2a |
A History of Prescott Wisconsin |
Ahgren, Dorothy, and Beeler, Mary Cotter |
979.5 Fondd H2p |
A History of Ripon, Wisconsin |
Pedrick, Samuel M., Compiler and Author |
976.8 D3b |
A History of the Pioneer Families of Missouri |
Bryan, William S. and Rose, Robert |
979.1 H2h |
A History of the State of Vermont, from its Discovery and Settlement to the Close of the Year MDCCCXXX (1830) |
Hoskins, Nathan |
325.2 Ghire |
A List of Emigrants from England to America, 1682-1692 |
Ghirelli, Michael, Transcriber |
975.5 E3a |
A List of Illinois Place Names |
Adams, James N. |
978.4 M2c |
A List of Rhode Island Soldies in the French and Indian War 1755-1762 |
Chapin, Howard M. |
975.2 D3c |
A List of the Early Settlers of Georgia |
Coulter, E. Merton and Saye, Albert B. |
941.5 E3m |
A New Genealogical Atlas of Ireland |
Mitchell, Brian |
976.8 Nodaw H2c |
A New History of Nodaway County, Missouri 1845-1869 : Volume II Sesquicentennial Edition |
Cooper, Martha |
976.8 Nodaw H2c |
A New History of Nodaway County, Missouri, Indian Lands to 1859: Volume I |
Cooper, Martha L. |
975.8 Butle |
A Pictorial History of Rosalia 1869-1935 |
Borger, Harold J. |
975.8 Neosh H2w |
A Place in History Series: A Selection of the Pioneers Who Settled in the Chanute Area |
Whaley, James |