Personalized Genealogical Research Request Form

Persons desiring Personalized Genealogical research by RCGS volunteers may make their request using the Request for Personalized Genealogical Research Form.
  • Personalized Genealogical Research charges: $15.00 per hour, one hour minimum non refundable.
  • Up to 10 copied pages included in the minimum charge.
  • If additional time is needed to fulfill the request, our researcher will notify you before proceeding.
Personal Information:
First Name:   Required
Last Name:   Required
Address:   Required
City:   Required
State / Province:   Required
Postal Code:   Required
Phone:   Required
Cell Phone:
Email:   Required
Research Details:
Name of Ancestor:   Required
Approx. Date of Birth:   Required Place:
Approx. Marriage Date: Place:
Approx. Date of Death: Place:
Where They Lived:
Describe the information you are requesting:
Security Code / Form Submission:
Check box & enter code:   Required