Riley County Genealogical Society
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Kansas censuses are available at the Kansas Historical Society from 1855 through 1930 on microfilm. Indexes for selected years are also available. These records are available online from Ancestry free to Kansans by verifying their driver's license. After 1925, Kansas did not take a full state census. For later data see information about the Kansas State Board of Agriculture population schedules and agricultural statistical rolls
Scroll down to find the Census Question Form. This is very helpful in finding answers to when ancestors immigration, married or how many children were born and more.
Census Resources for Beginners includes: Introduction to Census Records - video Using Pre-1850 Census to Family Family - video Other resources for using and obtaining census records
State censuses were often taken in the years between the federal censuses, such as 1875 or 1892. For some states these exist from about 1825 to 1925. State census records may be found at state archives, state historical societies, state libraries, the Family History Library, or on the Internet.
Visit the United States Census Bureau site for a comprehensive history of the US Census.Includes questions used in all of the censuses and genealogy map guidance.