Actions |
Call Number |
Title |
Author |
975.9 Harri V2f |
Harrison County, Kentucky, Marriages, 1794-1832 |
Franklin, Charles M. |
975.8 Harve V25m |
Harvey County Kansas Marriages, Volume 1, 1872-1895 & Volume 2 1896-1898 |
Midwest Historical & Genealogical Society |
975.9 Henry V25h |
Henry County Marriage Bonds 1798-1851 |
977.9 Highl V25h |
Highland County Ohio Marriages Records |
977.4 V2s |
Historical and Genealogical Miscellany; Data Relating to the Settlement and Settlers of New York and New Jersey, Volumes 1 - 3 |
Stillwell, John E. |
977.9 Harri H2h |
Historical Collections of Harrison County in the State of Ohio |
Hanna, Charles A. |
976.8 Holt V2h |
Holt County Marriages, Book B 1860-1870; Book C 1870-1888 |
976.8 Holt V2h |
Holt County, Missouri, Deaths: 1883-1893; Births 1883-1893; Naturalizations 1850-1900 |
975.8 Chaut V25h |
Howard & Chautauqua County Marriage Licenses 1870-1899 |
Chautauqua County Historical & Genealogical Society |
979.2 V25h |
Hudson Marriages in Virginia, Volume 1 |
Hudson, David, Indexer; Hudson, Malcolm, Compiler. |
978.8 V25h |
Hudson-Hutson Marriages in Texas |
Hudson, A.D.Hudson; Weldon I. |
975.6 V22 |
Illiana Research Report: Indexed List of Pensioners Names in 1840 Federal Census of Illinois and Indiana |
Gill, James V., Editor |
975.8 Riley V2e |
Index to Birth, Marriage and Deaths and Other Items in the Manhattan Mercury Chronicle During the period of March 1, 1949 thru March 31, 1950, Riley County, Kansas (279) |
Ekart, Sylvester |
975.8 Riley V2e |
Index to Birth, Marriage and Deaths and Other Items Printed in the Manhattan Mercury During the Period of 19 November 1954 Thru 27 May 1955, at Manhattan, Riley, County Kansas. (310) |
Ekart, Sylvester |
975.8 Riley V2e |
Index to Birth, Marriage, Death and Other Items Published in the Manhattan Mercury During the Period of 2 July 1967 Thru 31 December 1967, at Manhattan, Riley County, Kansas ( 378) |
Ekart, Sylvester |
975.8 Riley V2e |
Index to Birth, Marriage, Deaths and Other Items Printed in the Manhattan Republic During the Period of 6 July 1949 Thru 27 December 1950, at Manhattan Riley County, Kansas (300) |
Ekart, Sylvester |
975.8 Riley V2e |
Index to Birth, Marriage, Deaths and other Items Published in the Manhattan Mercury During the Period of 1 January 1967 Thru 30 June 1967, at Manhattan, Riley County, Kansas (377) |
Ekart, Sylvester |
975.8 Riley V2e |
Index to Birth, Marriage, Deaths and Other Items Published in the Manhattan Mercury During the Period of 2 July 1967 Thru 31 December 1967, at Manhattan, Riley County, Kansas (378) |
Ekart, Sylvester |
975.8 Riley V2e |
Index to Birth, Marriages and Deaths in Randolph Enterprise, May 1946-Oct 950 (269) |
Ekart, Sylvester |
975.8 Riley V2e |
Index to Birth, Marriages, Deaths and Other Items Printed in the Manhattan Daily Nationalist, 2 August 1943 thru 31 August 1943 and the Manhattan Mercury Chronicle, 1 September 1943 thru 24 October 1944, at Manhattan, Riley County, Kansas (273) |
Ekart, Sylvester |
975.8 Riley V2e |
Index to Births, Marriages and Deaths and Other Items Printed in the Manhattan mercury, During the Period of 1 July 1922 thru 30 May 1925, at Manhattan, Riley County, Kansas (296) |
Ekart, Sylvester |
975.8 Riley V2e |
Index to Births, Marriages and Deaths Printed in the Manhattan Mercury During the Periods, 1 January 1947- February 1948 (282) |
Ekart, Sylvester |
975.8 Wabau V2e |
Index to Births, Marriages, Deaths & Other Items Printed in 6 Wabaunsee County Newspapers: Harveyville Herald 1886, Wab. County Sun 1888, Harveyville Monitor 1904-1918, Wab. County Tribune 1907-1909, Maple Hill News 1910-1911, Maple Hill Roundup 1953-1954 (252) |
Ekart, Sylvester |
975.8 Wabau V2e |
Index to Births, Marriages, Deaths and Other Items Printed in the Alma Signal
During the Period, January 4, 1902 thru September 26, 1912, in Wabaunsee County, Kansas (232) |
Ekart, Sylvester |
975.8 Potta V2e |
Index to Births, Marriages, Deaths and Other Items Printed in the Herald at Onaga, Pottawatomie County, Kansas During the Period of July 5, 1900 thru July 29, 1915 (210) |
Ekart, Sylvester |
975.8 Riley V2e |
Index to Births, Marriages, Deaths and Other Items Printed in the Manhattan Mercury 1 July 1891 - 28 December 1898 (180) |
Ekart, Sylvester |
975.8 Riley V2e |
Index to Births, Marriages, Deaths and Other Items Printed in The Manhattan Mercury and Daily Nationalist, Riley County, Kansas, During the Period of October 1, 1932 thru May 31, 1934 (201) |
Ekart, Sylvester |
975.8 Riley V2e |
Index to Births, Marriages, Deaths and Other Items Printed in the Manhattan Mercury and Manhattan Daily Nationalist at Manhattan, Riley County, Kansas, during the period of 1 February 1936 thru 30 April 1937 (238) |
Ekart, Sylvester |
975.8 Riley V2e |
Index to Births, Marriages, Deaths and Other Items Printed in the Manhattan Mercury Chronicle During the Period of 25 October 1944 Thru 16 December 1945 at Manhattan, Riley County, Kansas (275) |
Ekart, Sylvester |
975.8 Riley V2e |
Index to Births, Marriages, Deaths and Other Items Printed in The Manhattan Nationalist, Riley County, Kansas during the period of January 4, 1917 thru December 29, 1921 (197) |
Ekart, Sylvester |
975.8 Riley V2e |
Index to Births, Marriages, Deaths and Other Items Printed in The Manhattan Nationalist, Riley County, Kansas, During the Period of January 5, 1922 thru March 11, 1926 (198) |
Ekart, Sylvester |
975.8 Riley V2e |
Index to Births, Marriages, Deaths and Other Items Printed in the Manhattan Republic and Weekly Republic during the period 5 January 1905-29 December 1908 (175) |
Ekart, Sylvester |
975.8 Riley V2e |
Index to Births, Marriages, Deaths and Other Items Printed in the Manhattan Republic During the Period of 5 August 1937 Thru 29 December 1938 at Manhattan, Riley County, Kansas (327) |
Ehart, Sylvester |
975.8 Riley V2e |
Index to Births, Marriages, Deaths and Other Items Printed in The Manhattan Republic Weekly, Riley County, Kansas, during the period of January 7, 1915 - December 26, 1918 (200) |
Ekart, Sylvester |
975.8 Riley V2e |
Index to Births, Marriages, Deaths and Other Items Printed in the Manhattan Republic, 5 January 1909 - 28 December 1911 (177) |
Ekart, Sylvester |
975.8 Riley V2e |
Index to Births, Marriages, Deaths and Other Items Printed in the Morning Chronicle at Manhattan, Riley County, Kansas During the Period of October 1, 1916 Thru February 28, 1925 (223) |
Ekart, Sylvester |
975.8 Riley V2e |
Index to Births, Marriages, Deaths and Other Items Printed in the Morning Chronicle During the Period of 1 March 1925 Thru 7 February 1926, and the Manhattan Mercury During the Period of 1 June 1925 Thru 31 May 1926, at Manhattan Riley County Kansas.(298) |
Ekart, Sylvester |
975.8 Potta V2e |
Index to Births, Marriages, Deaths and Other Items Printed in The Onaga Journal 1878-1884, The Onaga Democrat 1884-1890, and The Onaga Republican 1901-1910 at Onaga, Pottawatomie County, Kansas (202) |
Ekart, Sylvester |
975.8 Potta V2e |
Index to Births, Marriages, Deaths and Other Items Printed in the St. Marys Express, 21 May 1880-20 Jan 1888, the St. Marys Eagle 11 Aug 1898-31 Jan 1907, the St. Marys Eagle-Journal, 10 Mar 1910 -1 Feb 1912 (176) |
Ekart, Sylvester |
975.8 Wabau V2e |
Index to Births, Marriages, Deaths and Other items printed in the Wabaunsee County Tribune During the Period of 18 April 1902 Thru 4 October 1907 at Eskridge and in the Eskridge Independent during the Period of 18 February 1920 Thru 26 January 1928 Printed at Eskridge, Wabaunsee County, Kansas (297) |
Ekart, Sylvester |
975.8 Potta V2e |
Index to Births, Marriages, Deaths During the Period of 4 October 1970 to 20 March 1973 in the St. Mary's Star in St. Mary's, Pottawatomie, Kansas (359) |
Ekart, Sylvester |
975.8 Riley V2e |
Index to Births, Marriages, Deaths in Morning Chronicle, November, 1930-April 1932 (325) |
Ekart, Sylvester |
975.8 Wabau V2e |
Index to Births, Marriages, Deaths in the Harveyville Monitor During the Period of 28 August 1930 Thru 18 May 1939 at Harveyville, Wabaunsee County, Kansas (271) |
Ekart, Sylvester |
978.8 Riley V2e |
Index to Births, Marriages, Deaths in The Morning Chronicle, August 1929 to November 1930 (382) |
Ekart, Sylvester |
975.8 Potta 2e |
Index to Births, Marriages, Deaths in the St. Mary's Star During the Period of 4 December 1958 to 30 November 1961 at St. Mary's, Pottawatomie Kansas (357) |
Ekart, Sylvester |
975 Potta V2e |
Index to Births, Marriages, Deaths Printed in the St. Mary's Star During the Period of 7 September 1967 to September 24 1970 in St. Mary's, Pottawatomie, Kansas (357)
(358) |
Ekart, Sylvester |
979.5 Milwa V2i |
Index to Book A, Marriage Records of Milwaukee, County, Wisconsin 1836-1849 |
975.8 Potta V2e |
Index to Marriages & Deaths Printed in the Kansas Agriculturist, February 22, 1879 to January 1, 1900 and in the Kansas Reporter, August 17, 1876 to May 12, 1882 and in the Wamego Tribune, September 1, 1877 to January 28, 1879 (059) |
Ekart, Sylvester |
977.6 V2i |
Index to Marriages and Deaths in the New York Herald, 1835-1855 |
978.1 V25o |
Index to Marriages, First US Court, Northern District, Muskogee, Indian Territory 1890-1907, Volume 1: Marriage Books A,B, B-1, C for 5 July 1890-thru 19 September 1894 |
Oklahoma Genealogical Society |