Riley County Genealogical Society
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Records: 1 to 23 of 23
Actions Call Number Title   Author
View Record  369 Daugh Daughters of the Amerian Colonists Ritual
View Record  369 Daugh Daughters of the American Colonists Handbook: Handbook
View Record  369 Daugh 1955 Directory Kansas Society Daughters of the American Revolution
View Record  369 Daugh 1980 Directory, Kansas Society of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution Compton, Mrs. Billy P., Compiler
View Record  929.051 Feder Bk. 1-5 Federation of Genealogical Societies Forum
View Record  929.051 Daugh V.1-89 Genealogical Guide Master Index of Genealogy in the Daughters of the American Revolution Magazine, Volumes 1-84, 1892-1950 with Supplement Volumes 85-89, 1950-1955 Elizabeth Benton Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.
View Record  975.8 C4g History of Kansas Masonry Graybill, Ben W
View Record  975.8 Riley C4h History of the Domestic Science Club of Manhattan, Kansas Harper, Josephine & Lee, Mary Cornelia
View Record  369 Daugh History of The Kansas Daughters American Revolution 1894-1938
View Record  929.3 Inyou In Your Ancestors' Image: A Conference for the Nation's Genealogists, Syllabus
View Record  941.5 D2i Irish Genealogical Society Surname Interest List
View Record  369 Daugh 1957 Kansas Society : Daughters of the American Colonists
View Record  369 Daugh Kansas Society Daughters of American Colonists, 1956-1972 Haines, Howard W., Mrs., Compiler
View Record  369 Daugh 1951 Kansas Society Daughters of the American Colonists
View Record  369 Daugh 1938 Kansas State Directory Daughters of the American Revolution Berger, Ruth Norris, Compiler
View Record  369 Socie Membership Registry 1989 Kansas Society General Society of Mayflower Descendants and Pilgrim Index Goodell Jr., Ralph H., Compiler
View Record  369 Paper Papers of the Connecticut State Society of the Cincinnati, 1783-1807
View Record  378.2 Phi Phi Beta Kappa General Catalog, 1776-1922 Voorhees, Oscar M., Editor
View Record  369 Socie Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Kansas 1981-1984 Year Book
View Record  369 Socie 1964 Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Kansas 50th Anniversay 1964
View Record  369 Socie 1990-3 Society of Mayflower Descendants, Kansas in the State of Kansas 1990-1993
View Record  929.3 C2 Vert File Society Strategies Federation of Genealogical Societies
View Record  369 Hered The Hereditary Register of the United States of America, 1972 Rountree, John Griffin Richardson, Editor
Records: 1 to 23 of 23