Riley County Genealogical Society
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Records: 1 to 50 of 77
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Actions Call Number Title   Author
View Record  325.2 McGee A History of the Irish Settlers in North America From the Earlises Period to the Census of 1850 McGee, Thomas D'Arcy
View Record  325.2 Ghire A List of Emigrants from England to America, 1682-1692 Ghirelli, Michael, Transcriber
View Record  325.7 Myers A Migration Study of the Thirty-two States and Four Organized Territories Comprising the United States in 1850, Based upon the Federal Census of 1850 Myers, Eleanor
View Record  941.5 E3m A New Genealogical Atlas of Ireland Mitchell, Brian
View Record  325.2 MacLe An Historical Account of the Settlements of Scotch Highlanders in America Prior to the Peace of 1783 Together with Notices of Highland regiments and Biographical Sketches MacLean, John P.
View Record  978.3 K2h Bethlehem Diary, Volume I, 1742-1744 Hamilton, Kenneth G, Translator
View Record  943.7 A4c Czechoslovak Surname Index Volume III Czechoslovak Genealogical Society International
View Record  325.2 Dobso Directory of Scots Banished to the American Plantations, 1650-1775 Dobson, David
View Record  325.2 Dobso Directory of Scots in the Carolinas 1680-1830 Dobson, David
View Record  325.2 Dobso V.1 Directory of Scottish Settlers in North America 1625-1825 Dobson, David
View Record  325.2 Dobso V.4 Directory of Scottish Settlers in North America 1625-1825 Volume IV Dobson, David
View Record  325.2 Dobso V.2 Directory of Scottish Settlers in North America 1625-1825, Volume II Dobson, David
View Record  325.2 Dobso V.3 Directory of Scottish Settlers in North America, 1625-1825 ,Volume 3 Dobson, David
View Record  325.2 Ellis Emigrants from Ireland, 1847-1852, State-Aided Emigration Schemes from Crown Estates in Ireland Ellis, Eilish
View Record  325.2 Famin V.5 Famine Immigrants: Lists of Irish Immigrants Arriving at the Port of New York, 1846-1851; Volume V, October 1849-May 1850 Glazier, Ira A., Editor
View Record  325.2 Famin V.2 Famine Immigrants: Lists of Irish Immigrants Arriving at the Port of New York, 1846-1851; Volume II, Juley 1847-1848 Glazier, Ira A., Editory
View Record  325.2 Famin V.3 Famine Immigrants: Lists of Irish Immigrants Arriving at the Port of New York, 1846-1851; Volume III, July 1848-March 1849 Glazier, Ira A. Editor
View Record  325.2 Famin V.4 Famine Immigrants: Lists of Irish Immigrants Arriving at the Port of New York, 1846-1851; Volume IV, April 1849-September 1849 Glazier, Ira A.
View Record  325.2 Famin V. 6 Famine Immigrants: Lists of Irish Immigrants Arriving at the Port of New York, 1846-1851; Volume VI, June 1850-March 1851 Glazier, Ira A.,Editor
View Record  325 Rosen French Colonists and Exiles in the United States Rosengarten, J.G.
View Record  929.1 Manni Genealogical Abstracts from Newspapers of the German Reformed Church, 1830-1839 Manning, Barbara
View Record  978.3 D2h Genealogical Data Relating to the German Settlers of Pennsylvania and Adjacent Territory from Advertisements in German Newspapers Published in Philadelphia and Germantown, 1743-1800 Hocker, Edward W.
View Record  325.2 Grubb German Immigrant Servant Contracts Registered at the Port of Philadelphia, 1817-1831 Grubb, Farley
View Record  979.5 H2z Germans in Wisconsin Zeitlin, Richard H.
View Record  978.3 H2e Historic Background and Annal of the Swiss & German Pioneer Settlers of Southeastern. Pennsylvania, and of Their Remote Ancestors, From the Middle of the Dark Ages, Down to the Time of the Revolutionary War Eshlmen, Henry Frank
View Record  979.2 Ameli H2h Historical Notes on Amelia County, Virginia Hadfield, Kathleen Halverson
View Record  949.4 H2k History of Werdenberg Family Names and Werdenberg Stories Kunz, David Hilty
View Record  978.3 W2m Immigration of the Irish Quakers into Pennsylvania, 1682-1750, With Their Early History in Ireland Myers, Albert Cook
View Record  941.5 X2 1659 Ireland, the 1659 Census
View Record  325.2 Dobso Irish Emigrants in North America, Part One, Part Two and Part Three Dobson, David
View Record  941.5 D2m Irish Families; Their Names, Arms and Origins MacLysaght, Edward
View Record  941.5 D2i Irish Genealogical Society Surname Interest List
View Record  325.2 O'Bri V.1 Irish Settlers in America: A Consolidation of Articles from The Journal of the American Irish Historical Society, Volume I O'Brien, Michael J.
View Record  325.2 O'Bri V.2 Irish Settlers in America: A Consolidation of Articles from the Journal of the American Irish Historical Society, Volume III O'Brien, Michael J.
View Record  325.2 Frenc List of Emigrants to America from Liverpool 1697-1707 French, Elizabeth, Transcriber
View Record  978.3 D2h Marriages Reported by "Der Libanon Demokrat" A German Language Newspaper Published at Lebanon, Pennsylvania Heilman, Robert, Transcriber
View Record  976.4 Ken D24k Massachusetts Heraldica: An illustrated Compilation of Arms with Heraldic Description and Cited Authorities Kenyon, Beatrice
View Record  975.8 Riley H2t Mexican Immigrant Families Living in Manhattan, KS Prior to 1940, Volumes I, II and III Towers, Wann, Compiler
View Record  976.8 H2o Missouri Irish; The Origbnial History of the Irish in Missouri O'Laughlin, Michael C.
View Record  941.5 D2m More Irish Families MacLysaght, Edward
View Record  941.5 W2m Out of Ireland Miller, Kerby and Wagner, Paul
View Record  978.3 K2g Palatine Mennonite Census Lists, 1664-1793 Guth, Hermann and Gertrud and Mast, J. Lamar and Lois Ann
View Record  943.4 D2p Palatines to America. Surname Index
View Record  978.3 V2i Pennsylvania German Marriages Evidence in Pennsylvania German Churches Irish, Donna R, Compiler
View Record  978.3 D2e Pennsylvania: Genealogies, Chiefly Scotch-Irish and German Egle, William Henry
View Record  971 F2l Pioneers, Pedlars, and Prayer Shawls; The Jewish Communities in British Columbia and the Yukon Leonoff, Cyril Edel
View Record  943 Wella Rcord Keeping & Archives in West Germany Wellauer, Maralyn A.
View Record  978.3 Alleg F2w Resources on the Ethnic and the Immigrant in the Pittsburgh Area 1st. Edition Wilson, Robert E.
View Record  325.2 Swede Swedes in America 1638-1938 Benson, Adolph B., Editor
View Record  325.2 Swede Swedish-American Genealogist, Volume, VIII
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Records: 1 to 50 of 77