Riley County Genealogical Society
Riley County Genealogical Society
The Best Genealogy Place in Riley County
We have a wealth of information about Riley County, the surrounding counties, and the families who settled here.
We are open:
Tuesday & Thursday 10 AM - 4 PM 
Wednesday & Saturday 1-4 PM
(Call if you'll be in town when we're not usually open and we'll be
happy to try to find a volunteer to meet with you.)
2005 Claflin Road, Manhattan, KS  66502

Sunday Program

zoo barn
Friday, February 21
Monthly Roundtable
Please join us for an open ended discussion of anything related to family history and genealogy.  We enjoy using the back room at Vista, and try to patronize our host with a purchase of coffee or ???
Sunday, March 23
Artifacts Found on the Military Trail in Manhattan
Garrett Seuser will discuss the artifacts found on the Kimble property near Wildcat Creek, which was the intersection of the Fort Leavenworth-Fort Riley military trail. This location served as a significant campsite from approximately 1853 to 1866, as evidenced by the many military artifacts unearthed there. Additionally, the G.W. Eubanks ...